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KK6ATA Repeater

2m Amateur Radio Repeater in SLO County






-0.6 MHz


KK6ATA Repeater Coverage Map

Approximate repeater coverage modeled over a map. Download the Google Earth KML here if you'd like to see the coverage in Google Earth.

The repeater has a decent coverage of the San Miguel and Paso Robles Area with little pockets reaching farther out into the North County.



The repeater is located on a ranch north east of San Miguel on top of a hill overlooking Paso Robles to the south.

The repeater lives in an old WWII radio truck box. Almost looking like an old gypsy wagon the trailer has quite a bit of history. Not much is known outside of it used to be used as an old military radio truck. Now without the truck it's just a container that sits on the ground to protect the equipment inside from the weather.

Next to the enclosure there is an old small guy wired tower that hold the main antennas along with some old antennas left over from a previous installation.



This repeater was handed down from John Dallons W6YDZ who has since passed away. I have kept up the repeater in his absence. He left a Hamtronics REP-200 to control the repeater. The REP-200 Repeater consists of a receiver, exciter, power amplifier, and a COR-5 computerized controller module, which is a combination of a cor/cwid/autopatch/dtmf decoder. I have since replaced the EPROM in order to change settings on the controller.

The site is powered by two solar panels, a charge controller and a used large deep cycle battery. There is no grid power available so the entire setup is dependent on the solar power. There are some large filters located underneath the controller but their exact details are unknown. The remainder of the building is full of old electronics and all kinds of historical radios.

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